
Guilt Free at: Feel Good January

Craft Mocktails, Feel Good Food Specials, Unique Pairings and discounts for taking steps in a healthy direction will be in abundance during Guilt Free at The Providence G throughout January 2024. 

The Cocktail Teams at GHospitality have joined together in creating some truly unique “Designated Dryver” mocktail creations available throughout the Providence G this January. While the Rooftop at the G, Providence GPub and Sarto regularly carry non-alcoholic cocktails, these mocktail specials will be exclusively available during January, and paired with healthy-eating food specials during Providence Restaurant Weeks. 

Plus, there’s more to the name “Designated Dryvers” than the creations themselves. Each party’s designated dryver in your group will receive one complimentary mocktail during their visit to our restaurants. 

During Providence Winter Restaurant Weeks 2024 (January 7-20), the Culinary Team at GHospitality has created healthy-eating specials to enjoy at each of the Providence G’s dining locations

Have you been working hard at the gym on your new year’s resolutions? We’re proud of you! Stop by any of the Providence G’s dining and entertainment establishments throughout January for 15% off all food when you show your gym membership card/ID. Plus, we’re always thankful of our local health professionals, and will be offering all healthcare professionals a 15% discount on food throughout January. 

We hope you’ll join the Providence G this January for Guilt-Free, Delicious & Nutritious craft mocktails, healthy-eating food specials and discounts for taking healthy steps throughout the month!


sarto-dry-january-guilt-free-providence-beverage sarto-restaurant-week-menu

The event is finished.